Sunday, February 03, 2008

News from the Greenhouse...

With lots of rain showers, sunshine and humidity it's been perfect conditions for stuff to get growing in the greenhouse. The pumpkins, lettuce, sunflowers and peppers are all coming through nicely, and there are signs of life in the salad tray too!

We also have some more established plants thanks to Mitchell across the road and so we are looking to move them outside soon.

The veggie patch has now been filled with soil which took five hours and more wheel barrow loads of dirt than I care to remember. Thanks Mitchell for coming to help a very tired looking neighbour towards the end! On top of the soil we put a dripper hose and covered this with mulch. This stops the sun getting to soil and drying it out too much. John our other neighbour provided the railway sleepers so that we can get to the middle without stepping on all the plants in the process.

We're quite excited about the veggie patch and hope that some "produce" arrives on the table soon...

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