Monday, February 25, 2008

LEJOG Update...

I'm actually seven weeks into this thing and chalked up my 400th Km this week. Not bad progress when you consider that I'm teaching full time, doing some extra work at home as well as all that goes with being dad. I do miss the odd session here and there but I'm getting fitter ... and that's what counts!

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I'm now virtually at Dowdeswell Reservoir near Cheltenham, which I've never heard of!

.. idyllic!!!! If you're interested... Dowdeswell Wood lies on the northern slopes of the Chelt valley and forms the gathering grounds for Dowdeswell Reservoir. There are small areas of semi-natural woodland, the rest being planted conifers. A programme of conifer removal since 1992 is gradually opening up more areas and encouraging more ground flora to flourish. Herb paris is widespread along with bluebell, yellow archangel, early purple orchid and ramsons (wild garlic). Narrow-leaved everlasting pea is evident in the grassy rides. A spring-line arises in the north of the wood, the site of a Roman settlement and a good place to see Roman snails. The common dormouse is also present and nestboxes have been erected to encourage the population further. Breeding birds include whitethroat, sparrowhawk and spotted flycatcher - goldcrest and kingfishers have also been spotted. On the reservoir itself, little and great crested grebe have nested and in the summer the common sandpiper has been seen. A range of wildfowl overwinter on the reservoir including tufted duck and goosander. The reservoir is also a major spawning ground for the common toad, frog and smooth newt. Fallow and roe deer may be seen in the woodland.

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