Sunday, February 03, 2008

Back to School...

This week was a strange one as I was thrust back into the working world. The school is about thirty minutes away and with a school day starting before 8am an early start is essential. This is often before Alfie wakes up in the morning, with daddy returning during his afternoon sleep (5pm ish)! It's been quite tough but it has certainly made me realize how lucky I have been to have shared in all those special moments over the last nine months. Having to have done the "normal" dad thing and returned to work after a week or two would have been awful.

School itself has been fantastic, a world away from any of my previous experiences but most enjoyable. I have a wonderful class (pictured on the front row above! This is a picture of Years 5 & 6) and the staff have been very welcoming. On Friday evening Beth and Alfie were invited along to have some Welcome Drinks to kick off the new year. It was a good opportunity for them both to see where Daddy works, see some of the fantastic facilities and put names to faces. It was particularly good for Beth as they are keen to get her up to do some casual work...

I feel really positive about the year and excited to be back in the classroom. Even at this early stage I can see that I would love to stay on beyond my one year contract. It has been a busy week as I've also been doing some Hamilton work in the evenings (... early hours!) so I'll keep this brief. However I'll make sure that I update you on what's going on at work throughout the year.


Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Good to read blog - missed updates!
Pumpkin plant, various seeds, tomato plants (Mitchell?) look SO good, as does seed bed - well done!
School class and comments very impressive - SO glad it is everything, and more!, that you were hoping for! Pebbles comments -ouch! with all good wishes
Jean and John xx

Anonymous said...

WOW! your kids have genuine crodile dundee hats and shorts!!! Brilliant!!!!
Glad your first week went well....
How did the school take to Mr Iveys arrival in the sled?!?!