Thursday, April 15, 2010

Building Progress ...

The building work nears completion. All the outside of the new part is painted and so I've started painting the inside, first with primer and then a top coat. It's going to take a lot longer than I'd hoped/expected based on the fact that there are three rooms, a corridor, a bathroom and a wardrobe to paint. Still its good to see progress and we plan to occupy each room as its finished. The first being our room so that we can get the carpet down.

We've bought almost everything that we need, other than another twenty gallons of paint, and decided that anything else we'd like will have to wait!

... the bathroom and wardrobe.

We had a problem with the shower which leaked under the house and into the bedroom and so that had to be fixed by cutting a hole in the plasterboard. We've also had to get the tiler back for the third time as the tiles on the floor of the shower don't drain. There is also some electrical work which needs to be finished.

As we near completion we are seeing the advantages of having a site supervisor who is doing all the chasing, getting people back to finish work to a high standard. We have a feeling that without those contacts or authority we'd be struggling to complete. The next post should feature a completed room!!! Woo Hoo!

... our Bedroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Points for Painting!
Look forward to next post featuring completed bedroom; also hope tiler tiles correctly! xx