Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter ...

Easter is all a little strange here ... new life, Easter chicks ... leaves turning brown and falling from the trees! Its Autumn ... best to focus on the true meaning eh! Anyway we packed up and left for the Hunter Valley Gardens... the largest formal gardens in Australia fact fans!

We met up with the Murdoch's and had a great time. The kids went well on the Easter Egg Hunt with Alfie's hat coming in useful to collect the eggs. After that there was time for sack races ... (check the video .. Alfie due to complete his race sometime on Thursday!), egg and spoon, parachutes and ball games. There was also a show for the kids which Alfie and Noah might have ended up staring in given half an opportunity!!!

Just one of the many family days out planned for the next two weeks while I'm on holiday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the concentration! - perfectly balanced egg! xx