Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Reptile Park ...

This week we took a trip down the coast to the reptile park. We've been there before with Alfie, but this time it was Charlie's turn in the papoose!

... Alfie checks out another carrying pouch!

... the twins check out the Roo too!

There was a lot to see and Alfie seemed quite taken by most of the animals, some of which are safer than others to touch. When asked on our return what animals he saw he replied "Rabbits and a Giraffe," it was obviously money well spent as we saw neither! We did see lots of Crocs, Aligators, Koalas, Wombats, Kangaroos, snakes, lizards and spiders. They actually "Milk" the posionous animals for their venom which is sent to the hospitals to create anti venom so the work they are doing is certainly worthwhile.

We had a great day looking at all the exhibits and listening to the many talks. It's quite a small park but great value. All the talks seemed to be presented by the same man who seemed to have quite a bit of material up his sleeve as well as the snake inside his shirt!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds par for an 'educational' trip!
students not always absorbing facts!
but sounded a fun day! xx