Sunday, April 04, 2010

Local Park Opens...

We were quite put out several months ago when the local council seemingly sold our local park to the Tennis Club so that retired people who you would think would have plenty of time on their hands could play tennis on an additional court during the busy late afternoon period! So the swings and the see saw that was our park was gone...

Then nothing for months until work started on a new park. Lake Maquarie Council ... I take it all back!

This week the park finally opened and the warm weather had every child in the suburb down in the park ... many of whom we'd never seen before. It was great to have a place for neighbours to hang out with the kids.

Parks have obviously changed since my day ... gone is the concrete, chain swings, broken glass and older kids drinking cider! ... in are climbing walls and nets and a flying saucer shaped swing! I'm sure we'll be making great use of the park in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillsborough Point! Excellent!
Well Done to Council! Have fun! xx