Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mitch's Birthday...

When we were invited out for a suprise meal to celebrate Mitchel's birthday we were somewhat hesitant. As anyone with young children will testify eating with your children in public can be a challenge and closer to feeding time at the zoo than a fine dining experience!

... quick someone call Norris McWhirter! 

However not wanting to miss out we went along with the mindset that if we managed to eat oursleves then it would be a bonus! Having said all that we had a great night. Alfie was perfect, aided somewhat throughout the three hours by a small DVD screen and the opportunity to run around on the harbour between courses. Charlie took the opportunity to tuck in as well and so a good time was to be able to be had by all.

... it was quite a nice Autumn evening weather wise but Charlie still covered with a hat for the first time!

Mitchel ended the night with an icecream and a smile after being helped out of its glass! ;0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday Mitchel. xx
Alfie - you are always a Record Breaker! xx
Charlie you looked gorgeous in your hat! xx
Glad you all had a great evening! xx