Saturday, November 10, 2007

Grass is always greener?

We've been asked a couple of times during our life in Australia "What's it really like?", suggesting that the Blog paints a very positive picture of our new life. I guess that they are right in some ways to think that the blog is a way of showcasing the highlights. If we are being honest we do have moments where we think that the grass might be greener on the other side of the World but that is to be expected having made such a big life changing decision.

What we miss in our family and friends is compensated in some ways by where we live here and the fantastic most welcoming of friends we are making on our antipodean adventure. Green shoots of opportunities for more regular and reliable work are starting to present themselves and this is helping the feelings of being more settled. Time will tell if this has been the right move for us but in the meantime we are trying to make the grass down under as green as we can make it... literally!

Beth has been busy in the garden raking and sowing grass seeds on the baked earth which has been softened by lots of recent rain (... Think April showers in November!) The results are impressive...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

honest words and loved the green shoots of opportunity showing - sometimes the grass isn't always greener initially but can usually be greened up with perseverance and determination but - nothing ventured nothing gained! xxxxx