Saturday, November 03, 2007

One at a time please...

For the previous post we had a really good look at how Alfie has grown over the last six months, trouble is he's not the only one to have piled on the weight!

My suspicions were first aroused when after unpacking my clothes in the new house I found that some garments had obviously shrunk en route, then several months later in preparation for teaching I unpacked my smarter teaching stuff all of which failed to meet around the middle apart from one pair of trousers!

I weighed myself a couple of times expecting a "one at a time!" response from the digital scales. Luckily in a measure of self protection my memory had erased all recollection of my previous weights and so all didn't seem too bad - until today that is! I managed to find some of my "over the top fanatical fitness records" and discovered the horrible truth in the last 19 months I have piled on an amazing 15Kg! ... to think that I comment on how heavy Alfie is when actually I'm carrying two of him mostly around the middle!

I have put this crash weight gain down to the following factors (excuses!):

#1 Yes you Alfie... there aren't as many hours in the day as there used to be!

#2 Too much time sat on this bashing a laptop...

#3 Three months spent working away from home in Oxford while manager of the Hamilton Trust. On the "Corner Shop Co-op Diet" - Ready meals, Snikers, pre-packed, sandwiches, office cakes and lager!

#4 Ah... for the love of Tooheys New! Trouble is I love it a little too much...

#5 Yup the good ole Aussie BBQ...

You'll note that none of this is my fault, but I can do something about it. Hopefully by getting on here and letting you know how I'm going will keep me motivated!

I have worked out the last three days and watched what I've eaten (... and drunk!) so results should appear soon. ;0)

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