Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Some pics of the ride...

I've had the bug since June and every time I've been asked what it looks like I've shown them the pictures that the previous owner took, so I thought it was time I got Beryl all dressed up for some new shots.

If you're wondering "What on earth is that thing stuck on the ......?" then best get yourself over to and find out!

My three favourites...

She has been very reliable so far (touch wood!) and has attracted a lot of favourable attention from the children at school and been mocked by staff. One uninformed individual can be quoted saying "At least I no longer have the worst car in the car park".

Answers to the most common questions...

1. No it's not an abandoned vehicle!
2. No there is no planned restoration, respray - I like it as it is!
3. No the boot isn't falling off its meant to look like that.
4. The "rubbish" on the roof rack you refer to are period accessories.
5. Please I don't need your pity, I can afford a "better" car but given the choice I would still spend the cash on summat old!



Anonymous said...

very niiiiice!!! we'll make a decent photographer out of you yet mr 'bailey'....erm...ivey!!!

its not fair.. we dont have any cool locations round here like that!


Paul and Beth said...

You have taught me well Master Yoda!