Sunday, January 27, 2008

Green Fingers...

After the veg patch was completed (... yet to be filled!) we decided that it was time to start planting some of the seeds that Beth bought me for Christmas. We picked up a plastic greenhouse for about £25 and managed to get all the right bits in the right places so that it looked just like it did on the box. Getting inside the thing to tie on the cover and peg it down was like entering a sauna!

.... Still with the greenhouse up it was time to start planting. Now in the future we hope that Alfie will want to get involved in growing stuff although at the moment he doesn't seem prepared to wait for the stuff to grow preferring to attempt eating the seeds rather than plant them!

We now have a tray of herbs on the go as well as a selection of salads, pumpkins, peppers and butternut squash. We'll be taking planting and growing advice from Jamie Oliver's new book "At home with Jamie" which is excellent! We'll keep you posted if anything actually grows...

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