Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Years Resolutions 2008...

Right this year Beth and I mean business, we might update you on progress more frequently to keep them fresh in our minds...


1. (Conbtinue to...)Be a good Dad.
2. Get fitter (.... than I managed last year!)
3. Reach target weight though the above and sensible eating.
4. Score a goal for the team. Not really my job but it would be nice!
5. Go surfing (... no this year I mean it!)
6. No beer... during week. (... no small print this year!)


1. Reach target weight through sensible eating and exercise.
2. Get out on my bodyboard.
3. Do some crafty things.


1. Start to walk.
2. Be better at putting myself to bed.
3. Leave the DVD player/mobile phone/remote controls alone in favour of my new toys.
4. Keep smiling!

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