Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year...

So that was 2007... the observant of you will note that its taken me two days to post this message which is closely linked to the fact that our party for the neighbours and assorted chums didn't finish til 3:30pm and Alfie decided to see in the New Year at 4:30am. We've been cat napping since...

Its time to look at some New Year resolutions for 2008 but before that lets take a look back at those from last year...

1. Be a good Dad.
... I did my best. I'll let Beth and Alfie be the judge on that!

2. Get fit!
... Failure! oh dear! I got pretty fit during January, maintained a fitness level during the football season... rubbish since!

3. Get good at Wake Boarding!
... Achieved! Okay so maybe I'm not good but every session I got better!

4. Get a game at any level for the local football side.
... Achieved! Played all season minus a few games missed when Alfie arrived, playing at a higher level next season for another team. Must have done something right!

5. Surf three times a week... dependent on weather conditions/ probability of being eaten/stung!
... Failed! pah board not wetted (is that a word?) since late 2006. I'm lost for an excuse!

6. No beer... during week. (Small print... unless out socialising!)
... Failed! I'm glossing over this one!

Beth's far reaching New Years Resolutions were:

1. Eat an apple everyday!!!
... Beth says that she has eaten more apples but not one every day!

2. Do thirty minutes of something everyday!!!
... Achieved, but she she is including drinking, eating and breathing as I pointed out.

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