Sunday, March 16, 2008

Back on the beach...

We've enjoyed something of an Indian Summer this week with comfortable temperatures up to 30 degrees and wall to wall sunshine... its been a long time coming! In an effort to make the most of it we have been taking the ten minute trip to the beach. Alfie once scared of the water and the sound of waves now crawls out to sea with reckless abandon. Mum and dad need to be on constant wave watch and also to remove the flotsam and jetsam from his mouth that he picks up along the way. Alfie learnt two valuable lessons today, sea water aint for drinking and seaweed needs some preparation before human consumption. Sand was again on the menu and looked particularly attractive when blended with the contents of a runny nose!!!

As you can see from the pictures he was pretty exhausted on the way home!


Anonymous said...

Amazing Alfie - Awesome Australia -sand sea surf, wonderful waves, tired tiger, mucky munching! -
enjoy everything! Monday morning magic!
Grateful Grandparents xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul, Beth and Alfie!
Glad to see you back blogging and pleased to see that all is well! I am exhausted just reading what you three are getting up to on a weekly basis! I'm sure school will find you invaluable, Paul... so good luck on getting something more permanent.
Love to you all, Donna & Co x