Friday, March 21, 2008

One small step for man, one giant leap for Alfie!...

In the last few weeks Alfie's balance has really been coming along. He was pulling himself up on furniture and could stand without support for a lot longer. He also started trying to climb things and thought about taking steps...

... Well they say that actions speak louder than words so he thought he would try taking some steps...

In a rare case of having the camera in the right place at the right time here are the results... He is momentarily distracted by the sound of a motorbike outside before the draw of the rustling paper is just too much!!!

Small Print: Any accusations that I have made similar looking steps emerging from various drinking establishments over the years are unproven! ;0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly
JOY, JOY, JOY, - Alfie taking his first FEW steps! SO wonderful - wot an Easter to remember! and nodding and enjoying music with you and standing, clapping, and Da Da - oooooooohhhhhhh SO v v clever!
England football kit looked perfect size! Only 'token' Easter gifts! but traditions are traditions! Opening and closing door - - so many magical moments! -Flights booked - c u all late October 08.
Happy Easter and brilliant blog!
Jean and John xx