Saturday, December 29, 2007

Blog Bits...

Putting this blog together is something of a labour of love, I guess even if nobody looked at it it would be worth it. Beth and I often look back on things by going though the archive or by flicking through the printed out version.

However there was a time last month in the midst of Christmas Chaos when I did wonder if all of the effort was worth it. I actually said to Beth "Who actually reads it!". Yes there are the devoted Grand Parents who are avid Blog Buddies but I was starting to think that we could update them just as easily via email. Any how this whole conversation set me wondering how many people do visit the blog, so we set a tracker running on it for the month of December. The results are fascinating as well as a bit nerdy so if web based data doesn't click your mouse then you might want to scroll on down to see what Alfie's up to now!

If your still here here's what we've found out. In December there were 83 different visitors who together made a total of 300 visits and 545 page views. There were 205 visits from the UK, by town Bristol came top with 98, followed by London and Abingdon (thanks Donna!). Australian visitors made 88 visits followed by New Zealand with 2 (Thanks Jim!). Interestingly the other visits came from India, USA, France and Israel. We're not sure who all of you are but welcome and keep coming back because What's doing down under isn't going anywhere just yet.


Anonymous said...

Hi Iveys

India blog visitor could possibly be Angie Showering and Jackie Helliker was in USA Nov.Dec.
Not sure about France - Israel!
Enjoyed pool/pool ring/nappy blog! + Alfie mirror video - gorgeous!!xx
Makes our day!!xx

From Walker Avid Blog Buddies xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you all - the Ivey family.
I read you blog most days - when I'm at my desk having my lunch, then the music comes on!! My brothers etc. and David (husband) say what on earth are you doing now! Lovely to read you are all well over there. I think the Evans family miss you all. Hannah & Toby are gorgeous and the light of our lives. See you all sometime. Sheila Kenner, Tintagel in sunny Cornwall.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is on my favourites! It's a lovely 'window' into your world & how you're all getting on - only wish I had the time & dedication to set up the same for you to 'look in' on what we're up to! You'll have to settle for the occasional slideshow of photos instead!

Keep up the good work - if you stopped it, what else would I read whilst I should be doing my Hamilton work?!!

Lots of Love Donna xxx

Anonymous said...

what about exeter visitors?!?!
or do we not count?!?! :o(


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all the Ivey clan. We are avid bloggers - it's up there with the nightime routine. After your shower what do you do ? The Ivey blog. Its just the law in our house. Oz and Theo love watching all the clips of Alfie and re watch them shouting 'I can see Beths hand, foot etc' (never thought parts of your body could be so famous did you).
Keep blogging
Love NHOT x

Anonymous said...

... and a happy new year to you all too! Thanks for all the positive feedback...

Hey JP I think the peeps in Exeter do all there blog reading in one sitting so they don't register so many visits! ;0)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!!! Yes it's me viewing in India!!!!!!! Angiexxxxx