Monday, December 03, 2007

Crawling around...

Each week Beth and I receive an email which outlines what a baby at Alfie's stage should be doing, amazingly he seems to have just started doing something new as it arrives! This week our email for a seven month old baby (yes seven months!) said that Alfie should have started crawling! Well there hasn't been much evidence of that .... until today! He is now able to get out of the "skydive" position, that is legs and arms in the air kicking frantically while laying on tummy moving nowhere, and get his knees up and arms in the press up position rocking back and forth! We think this is something that he has learnt from his buddies whose greater mobility give them a distinct advantage in the dummy stealing stakes! ;0)

In an attempt to get to the pencil and pen (he has loads of toys but knows that he shouldn't have these things and so they are therefore very attractive!!)Alfie made quite an effort and some forward progress. We are now very wary of what we leave around as he seems to be enjoying his new found freedom which allows he to get hold of the things we leave just out of reach! Check him out in this video...

NB: It's quite a large file so click play and then pause and allow the grey line to move across the bar before watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

4.55mins of pure joy to watch. Love H

Oz says 'it was funny and Alfie was very athletic and with that move he could run a marathon.' 'Alfie is obviously a fan of writing by the way he ate a pen.'

Theo says 'he looked like he was sky diving and he would be very good at it when he's an adult'.'It was funny when he smiled at the camera.'