Wednesday, December 05, 2007


With Alfie seemingly winning a battle with balance, independence or something everyday it's important not to miss them. Capturing the video below of him crawling was pure luck we just managed to have a camera in hand when he decided to really have a go... here are some other notable recent achievements and thoughts:

#1: "I don't like shoes"

#2: "I can sit up all by myself!"

#3: "I can drink from a big boys cup... sometimes I hold it the right way up so that water goes in my mouth!"

#4: "I can escape from the Bumbo easily!"

#5: "I can eat big boys foods with lumps n bumps in! Broccoli MMmmmmmmm!"


Anonymous said...

you havent bought the littlew terror some crocs have you?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..........!!!

Paul and Beth said...

.. I'm affraid so! I'm still holding out on the Croc issue under considerable pressure to get some of the freaky foamed footwear!