Monday, December 24, 2007

So this is Christmas...

Today is Xmas Eve and we are spending the morning packing up the car so that we can go to Matt and Sharron's until Boxing Day. With a seven month year old this is something of a military operation even without the Christmas factor... we might even need to do two trips!
We are very much looking forward to our first family Christmas, while at the same time being a little sad about the family we'll miss again this year.

Where ever you are in the world we'll be thinking of you and wishing you a very Merry Christmas from Down Under. It's strange to think that when you are sitting down to your roast turkey we'll have already started to think about what to do with what's left over.

Can we also take this opportunity to thank you for all the many Christmas cards and gifts that have arrived over the last month... the postman has been a frequent visitor! Alfie is very lucky as are we! It's nice to know that although we may be far away we are not forgotten.

Have a great one... Paul Beth Alfie xxx

See you in a few days for picture and video clip updates...

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