Saturday, December 29, 2007

People say (...OK mostly Beth!) the funniest things... #2

Beth managed to get her own back after the Dave the Gas Bottle incident today while changing Alfie's nappy. Knowing that anything she said on the monitor would filter through to the office Beth grabbed her opportunity. She started by muttering something about Daddy should be coming down to help change the nappy, lets just say there was little reaction at my end. She followed this up with "Don't put your hand in it... Leave it alone ... No don't put it in your mouth .... No open your mouth.", that had me running through the house to offer assistance. On arrival I found a smiling Alfie and a laughing Beth. Oh how we laughed!!! ;0)

I wanted to find a nappy shot of Alfie but had to go as far back as August to find one! It's amazing to see how much he's changed since then!

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