Friday, December 28, 2007

People say (...OK mostly Beth!) the funniest things...

Whilst out driving this week we took our now empty BBQ gas bottle with us for a refill. It wasn't really safe in the boot as it rolled around so we decided that it would be safer strapped in next to Alfie. Now life in the back of the car can be a little dull at times for Alfie - Window shades mean that there isn't much to see and so he entertains himself by playing with a toy or catching up on his sleep. Alfie's new traveling companion really captured his imagination and he couldn't take his eyes of it!

This made me question what it was about the Gas Bottle that he was so interested in. Was it the shine? The Colour? The noise it made against the seat? Maybe even the pattern that protective net created?

At that point Beth pointed out the obvious - apparently he was "trying to work out if was his brother!" What on Earth!!! This leads me to believe that every time that she sees something she doesn't recognise the first question she asks her self is "It it my brother?" Alfie certainly has an interesting mum and that's why we love her I guess! ;0)

... The gas bottle has now been named Dave and is now considered part of the family!

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