Thursday, June 21, 2007

Alfie asleep and "arkin" up!

Alfie is really quite animated at the moment and Beth and I are being rewarded with the most beautiful smiles and conversation ... we'd love to show you some of these "butter wouldn't melt" moments but we enjoy them so much that by the time we go to get the camera the moment has gone. We've now got stacks of video footage of Alfie looking bemused into the camera!

Still so not to let you down here are a couple of short clips. The first of Alfie this morning watching me work on the computer... MMMMmmmmm I'm not sure that he was that interested in what I was doing...

... who needs Alton Towers eh?!?! (Australian readers insert "Dreamworld Goldcoast"!)

In this second clip we capture Alfie during one of his rare cranky moments. We have become much better at working out what he wants by interpreting his cries. This one roughly translates as "I was smiling and talking to you.... in fact I was telling you to go and get the camera and all you did was smile back and repeat back to me what I was saying. Now I'm hungry so best you switch off the camera and sort me some milk before I get really angry!" ... or something like that! :0)

... I'm afraid that I have no idea what Beth is trying to say during this clip! :0)


Brett, Kel, Elliott & Jasper said...

What makes you think he wasn't interested in you on the computer Paul... was it his closed eyes? Be careful, he could still be listening to your key strokes and monitoring your output... SO GET BACK TO WORK DADDY!

Paul and Beth said...

lovl ... Maybe he's on a spying mission for the Hamilton Trust???

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!