Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Pasha Bulker - Update

I know that the Pasha Bulker the coal ship that ran aground on Nobby's Beach in Newcastle has captured lots of your imaginations as it has here!I went to buy milk and bread and the guy behind the counter was watching the live feed on the Internet of the attempted refloating! So I thought I would update you guys.

If you're interested you can take a look at although bear in mind that we are nine hours ahead of your so you'll need to time your visit carefully to see anything other than Nobby's at Night!

From the local news...

The bulk carrier that is stranded off Newcastle's Nobby's Beach in NSW has only moved 6 to 8 degrees in the first attempt to refloat the ship.For salvage crews trying to move the Pasha Bulker, high tide was make or break time, one of the cables attaching the ship to a tug snapped and will need to be reattached.

The state's Ports Minister Joe Tripodi said it had moved just 6 to 8 degrees, despite two of the three tug boats pulling the ship operating at 70 to 80 per cent of power.The Minister said the movement was good, especially considering one of the cables connecting a third tug boat to the ship broke.

"So far so good, we're very happy with the progress to date," he said.

Newcastle Port Corporation CEO Gary Webb said earlier that he believed it would be the first of a few attempts to refloat the Pasha Bulker.

"It would have been a miracle if it moved off on one tide, we've always said it may take a number of tides," he said.

"This is a slow and careful process, with heavy wires, surf conditions, and a vessel that for the first time in three weeks, is in a buoyant position where it is trying to float."

Looks like they'll try again during the Friday night high tide around 7pm (10am UK time)

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