Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sleeping positions...

Alfie now spends more of his time settled and sleeping (thank goodness!)as he puts on a growth spurt and his appetite becomes insatiable, Beth is working hard to up production in the dairy department! Evidence of his growth came when during a particularly big stretch the poppers of his sleep suit burst open!

When he settles to sleep he usually ends up in one of the positions above either A, the "I surrender" position or the B, the "sit up" position. There are two points to note about the pictures I've posted ... In the first the sleep suit has been embroidered for ease of identification!.. and in the second Alfie takes on a Santas Little Helper appearance with his hat (winter here you know... brrrr!) you could say he's more Elfie than Alfie! (I'll get me coat!) At other times he is "wrapped" to sleep. Wrapping is very common in Australia, basically everyone does it and involves creating a little pocket in a sheet or blanket. Hard to explain but if you have made fajitas before you'll have a fair idea. We found out very early on that our wraps were no match for the wriggling and straining Alfie who would eventually struggle free, get his arms out and eventually startle himself awake. We have found the ultimate sleeping weapon in the form of a wrap with velcro bindings!... sorta like a kiddie straight jacket! It seems to be working a treat keeping all his limbs close to his body just like those long dark (but warm!) months inside Beth!

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