Friday, June 08, 2007

Keeping a cool head... and body if you're Australian!

We were alerted to this recent article which appeared in the Daily Mail (UK newspaper) and was able to find it online. Very interesting and although Alfie didn't wear a "cool cap" he certainly had the cooling treatment, it was also interesting to note the differences in treatment, with UK babies having the head cooled and the body heated while Alfie was cooled all over! Hopefully the results of Alfie's trial will be as positive.

From the Daily Mail

Babies deprived of oxygen at birth, putting them at risk of disability and death, could benefit from a cap which cools down the newborn brain, researchers said today.

Using hi-tech brain scanning techniques, scientists have found that brain damage does not happen immediately at the time of delivery.

They believe there is a period of several hours before any injury becomes permanent, leaving a short time in which protective treatment might be effective.

Researchers in several countries, including a team from University College London, have found that cooling the brain of newborn babies by several degrees is highly effective in protecting brain cells.

The research, supported by medical charities SPARKS and Action Medical Research, has been submitted to a scientific journal for publication later in the year.

The research team, including Professor John Wyatt, designed and tested the CoolCap device to cool down the baby's head.

Brain temperature

It uses a computerised controller to circulate cold water through the cap, reducing the temperature of the brain by several degrees.

Heating is applied to the body to stop the overall body temperature falling too low. The head is cooled for 72 hours and intensive care is maintained throughout the treatment.

A shortage of oxygen at the time of birth can lead to problems such as cerebral palsy, learning difficulties and epilepsy, which the researchers hope to be able to prevent.

Professor Wyatt said: "About one in every 1,000 newborn babies are at risk of death or brain damage from oxygen deprivation during the birth process.

"The rate is much higher in countries with limited resources.

"Those who survive can be left with heart-breaking conditions such as cerebral palsy or severe intellectual impairment."

International trials of the CoolCap involved 235 newborn babies. Results have been presented at an international paediatric meeting in San Francisco.

Severe disabilities

The researchers found that 18 months after birth there was a "significant" reduction in severe disabilities among those babies treated with CoolCap.

Brain wave analysis was used to allow researchers to identify which babies who had the best chance of responding to treatment.

In this group the percentage who died was reduced from 39 per cent to 25 per cent and the incidence of movement difficulties among those who survived was reduced by 60 per cent.

CoolCap showed no benefit to babies who had been most severely affected by oxygen deprivation. Professor Wyatt said: "Further development is required before this treatment can be made generally available in major hospitals.

"It is vital that further trials of cooling treatment are completed to find the optimum way of providing cooling after birth.

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