Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We mentioned in earlier posts that Alfie has discovered he has hands, and is now spends most of his time trying to eat them, in fact I think he told you himself! :0)

He can now single out his thumb and suck it independently of the rest, which is useful ... have you tried getting your whole fist in your mouth... it's not easy!

I took this pic on the new camera while Alfie was in mid swing on his rocker using the "Take a picture of your baby while it's swinging in its rocker" Function. It has so many settings that I have no hope of using them all! :0)

Alfie is really crook at the moment with a cold. It doesn't sound like much but is heartbreaking for us (not much fun for him either!)to see him coughing, spluttering, sneezing and hearing is sad little cry. We also have to force feed him Baby Panadol which isn't nice for any of us! Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon, on a brighter note his face has cleared up really nicely.

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