Monday, June 11, 2007

The Queens Birthday and Clearing Up

Strangely the Queens Birthday in Australia is celebrated with a day off although many in Newcastle and the surrounding areas will have spent much of it clearing up the mess from the days before, or still waiting for their power to be switched back on.

The large tree that fell on the trailer outside our house has now mostly been collected for firewood! The Fire Brigade are patrolling suburbs looking for debris in the road and or trees that look as if they might fall. There was little left for them of ours as a neighbour had done a good job of cutting it up, he thinks that there is enough there for three winters of heating!!!

Having been given the wake up call we asked our neighbour to remove the rest of another tree that I had started on several months ago! ... needless to say he found it much easier going with a chainsaw than I did with my saw! It seems to have opened up the garden to light a little more and provided Beth with a little stump of a stool to sit on!

The electric company came to make the cable safe which had be lying live since the power came on. It looks as if our neighbours will be without power until next weekend, we also have friends down the road who are in a small pocket of houses still without power.

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