Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Case of the missing shoes....

To say that the last five or so weeks have been eventful and tiring is an understatement. The effects of a lack of sleep have been very apparent, Beth and I seem to make no sense to each other at times and I spent more than a couple minutes the other day trying to open the garage door with the car key fob! I can also confirm as predicted by many of you that our home once rivalling an Ikea show home now resembles an explosion in a Mothercare shop... still anyway on to the purpose of this post!

I have spent many quiet moments I've had looking for my favourite trainers, and have been unable to locate them until today! I did that thing that annoying people do when you lose something and asked myself "When did you last see them?" Using my sleep deprived memory I can only remember having them up to the point where Beth's waters broke with some pressure (!!!) and covered them. I then had them in the Hospital room but was understandably less enthusiastic about wearing them... then they vanished!

While we were at the John we went back to our ward and asked if they were still there, I was a little upset to hear them referred to as "joggers!" (term used for any training shoe!!) but was delighted to be reunited. Beth is promising to give them a good scrub before we can get reacquainted.

... the socks pictured were worn for over 48 hours nearlly six weeks ago. I'm amazed that they were still there as they had potential to get up and walk off on their own! ;0)


Anonymous said...

OK so you two are really scaring me now - comments like 'her waters broke with some pressure' etc are really not that helpful to a VERY pregnant woman!! Please keep them under wraps for the next few weeks at least! ;-)

Glad you are all ok.
Love Heidi X

Paul and Beth said...

Hiya Heidi,

Hope you are well? Almost there!

The waters breaking was a painless almost relief like experience... as was the whole thing... oh how we laughed! :0)

... buy Chris some wellies and those plastic gloves that go up to your elbow!

Stay in touch we are sooooo excited about the Connop Bub!

Lots of love

Paul, Beth and Alfie