Monday, June 18, 2007

Indoor Picnic

During a weekend where Mother Nature seemed to throw everything she had at Newcastle for a second week in a row we decided to get together and have an indoor picnic. It was good to be inside and see all the boys (big and little) all in the same place. Matt and Kate had family there too so it was something of a feast! While we were there we managed to get our first snap of all nine of us together.

Its an interesting picture:

1, There is obviously a competition taking place for who has the broadest smile. I think Brett takes it hands down!
2, Is is me or do the little boys look like their dads... same haircuts and everything!
3, Look at how pleased the girls look to have each found such a handsome, caring and sensitive man to share their baby with! :0)

The boys continue to grow and take increasing interest in what each other is doing, which is kinda cute. It was a really relaxed afternoon because so far all three are reliant on adult help to get about, however with both Elliott and Ben starting to practice and perfect the roll busier times are sure to follow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you boys all look very similar...can't quite tell the differnce between babies and dads!!xxx